Our products are all great for humans to use as well as their dawgs!

Balsam Dawg Fur-Love the smell of a Christmas Tree? This is the perfect scent for you to have on your dawg! While it is important to note pine oils can be toxic for dawgs- YIKES! Well turns out Balsam Fir is not toxic for them so yeayyyyy we have a winter scent winner! It’s hard to make natural healthy safe choices when so much out there is harmful to us and our pets but we did the digging and searching so you don’t have to! So while it is a light scent, it still smells a lot like a freshly cut Christmas tree. Balsam Fir can promote calming and balancing of your dawgs emotions and it can also help with breathing issues.
Barking Mint-Love the smell of sweet peppermint? Did you know that peppermint essential oil is toxic for dogs (in EO diffusers as well) don’t you worry your paws though! We took care of that for you and did our research and this Barking mint scent is made with a dawgy safe essential oil called Cornmint! Who would have thought with a name like that, that it would smell so amazing and just like peppermint. Cornmint is a relative of the peppermint family but it is safe for our dawgs! Cornmint is amazingly great for pain relief and inflammation! Make sure you don’t use peppermint essential oil in your candles, soaps or essential oil diffusers and keep your pets safe!
*NEW* Bone Tired-This is exactly what it’s name is. The combination of Vetiver, Cardamon, Copaiba and Vanilla all have calming, soothing and restful properties. Your dawg might just be relaxed enough to fall asleep.
Borking Clean-This scent reminds us of a very familiar yet not so natural spring scent many of us use in our showers. Many of us love that fresh crisp clean smell that bar of goodness delivers when we shower with it! It wakes us up and refreshes our senses. Now your dawg can smell like a natural clean spring too! A few different essential oils helped us obtain this scent and it didn’t smell great at first but as these essential oils married and merged it was fantastic. Frankincense is one of those essential oils we use here which is great for promoting feelings of peace and relaxation and it is also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. We also have included touches of Lavender known for properties that can soothe and calm your dawg. It also has antibacterial and anti-itch agents to help with skin irritations. We didn’t stop there we added some hints of Ginger as well for that nice snap! While Ginger smells great it is also wonderful for your dawg because it has anti-vial, ant-toxic, and anti-fungal properties. It can also help alleviate motion sickness and improves skin health by reducing inflammation and soothing irritation.
Flea Bag AKA CedarWoof!-Who doesn’t love the smell of fresh Cedarwood? We sure do give it a five Paws rating here! This scent takes you straight to a Cedarwood forest. It is fresh, clean and crisp. Cedarwood oil helps repel fleas and tick and promotes healthy skin and can have a relaxing effect. Also in this scent is Frankincense which is great for promoting feeling of peace and relaxation and it is also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. We also tossed in some sweet hints of Bergamot essentiall oil which also has calming and uplifting effects and antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.
Chonky Sandalwood-That woodsy scent that has been around and used for ages in incense burning is a favorite among many! It not only smells fantastic it also helps to reduce inflammation and can help with fungal infections. Your dawg can have the benefits of the oil while you enjoy the scent!
For Fluff Sake!-Stop Itch-We created this scent with itchy dogs in mind and this scent should bring them much needed relief. It consists of Chamomile, Lavender and a hint of Vanilla essential oils. Chamomile promotes relaxation, and is soothing and anti-microbial for dogs skin. Lavender has properties that can soothe and calm your dawg. It also has antibacterial and anti-itch agents to help with skin irritations. Vanilla smells wonderful and it also consists of comforting and nurturing qualities for nervous and irritable dawgs.
Floral Boop-Do you or your dawg boop your nose into all the flowers at the flower shop? Love the smell of various florals? If so this is the scent you have to have! This floral scent smells like you are in the middle of a florist shop. We combined Lavender, Geranium, jasmine, rose and a touch of Cedarwood essential oils to create this heavenly floral scent! Geranium helps repel fleas and ticks and can help calm and reduce anxiety and stress for your dawg. It also can help treat skin irritation such as Rashes and allergies. Lavender has properties that can soothe and calm your dawg as well as it has antibacterial and anti-itch agents to help with skin irritations. Jasmine has a calming effect and can help treat anxiety, anger and even alleviate seizures. Rose is a great tick repellant and can help heal wounds, healthy coat and can lower stress in dawgs. Cedarwood Cedarwood oil helps repel fleas and tick and promotes healthy skin and can have a relaxing effect.
Fluffing Lavender-While everyone loves the scent of lavender, did you know that lavender essential oil is great for your dawg? It has properties that can soothe and calm your dawg as well as it has antibacterial and anti-itch agents to help with skin irritations. You can’t go wrong with Fluffing Lavender!
Flufftastic Ginger-Do you love love love the smell of fresh crisp Ginger? If you you will love this one without any additional scents you will smell the ginger all by it’s amazing self! Again ginger has wonderful benefits that help to improve your dawg’s skin health by reducing inflammation and soothing skin irritations. It also has the ability to combat bacterial and fungal infections. It can also help alleviate motion sickness.
Frankin Dawg-Ok so the name should reflect some weird sporadic broken and meshed back together crazy scent combination but we promise it’s not! Ha Ha! We kept this simple and only used a timeless ancient essential oil known as frankincense! This essential oil smells great but it also has many other great benefits for us and our dawgs! It is great for promoting feelings of peace and relaxation and it also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
Garden Digger-That fresh crisp smell of crushed plant stems and flowers! Smells amazing right? Too bad the only time we really smell this is when our dawgs have decided to help us with zero supervision on the landscape remodel we didn’t know we were going to dive into. HA HA! Well now you can have that scent on your dog without fear of how they obtained it! With hints of Chamomile and Sandalwood oil you will love this scent! Chamomile has antispasmodic properties, promotes relaxation, and is soothing and anti microbial for dogs skin. Sandalwood Oil can relax your dawg and treat skin conditions. It also boosts pest repelling properties when used regularly.
Geranium Maddawg-This scent is a light floral yet earthly scent that is very sweet and airy. We mashed Geranium, Clary sage and Ginger essential together to get this wonderful scent that is so pleasing to any flower lover. Not too overpowering or strong of a floral scent just perfect! Bet your didn’t know that Geranium helps repel fleas and ticks and can help calm and reduce anxiety and stress for your dawg. It also can help treat skin irritation such as Rashes and allergies. Clary Sage essential oil can also help balance your pet’s mood when they are experiencing emotional distress. It can help alleviate symptoms and feelings of stress and anxiety and have a calming effect on the central nervous system. Adding a touch of Ginger to this scent because why not? It smells great and it has anti-vial, ant-toxic, and anti-fungal properties. It can also help alleviate motion sickness and improves skin health by reducing inflammation and soothing irritation.
Jasmine Floofer-Oh sweet sweet Jasmine how can you not love it? This scent is not too overpowering like our Floral Boop can be for some but if you love Jasmine you will love this very pleasant scent. Jasmine has a calming effect and can help treat anxiety, anger and even alleviate seizures. Frankincense is great for promoting feeling of peace and relaxation and it is also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
Lemon Pupper-This sweet refreshing scent will make you crave a shaved iced lemonade on a fluffing hot day! We crafted this with a mix of various essential oils such as: Lemongrass, Lavender, Vanilla, Eucalyptus, Bergamot, Cedarwood and Ginger. To sum it all up you have an Essential oil combination that will act as a pest and insect repellant for mosquitos, fleas and ticks, a refreshing rejuvenating scent with calming effects as well for those anxious dawgs!
Mother Pupper-This is one of our favorite scent combinations and we use this around our home regularly in our essential oil diffuser. We combined Sweet Orange, Ginger, Vanilla and Bergamot that comes out smelling like heaven! It’s refreshing and sweet at the same time and we just love it! The benefits of this scent combination is pretty awesome. You get the benefits of the Sweet Orange-insect repellant, shiny coat, deodorizing plus the benefits of Ginger-reducing inflammation and soothing skin irritation, combating bacterial and fungal infections along with the benefits of Vanilla-comforting and nurturing qualities and last but not least the benefits of Bergamot-calming, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Meadow Zoomies-This is one amazing scent that reminds us of running through a flower meadow. Light airy and floral with Lavender, Geranium, Lemongrass, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus and Jasmine.
Orange Droolsicle-Sweet heavenly goodness! This scent reminds us of vanilla ice cream paired with orange sherbert! Just enough sweet matched with refreshing to make your mouth water. Warning you may feel the urge to lick your dawgs coat after using, we strongly do not recommend or encourage that behavior. Enough of the food comparison and let’s discuss the benefits of sweet orange essential oil for your Dawg. It can help relax and calm your dawg, removes dead skin, deodorized odors and adds deep shine to their coat. Best of all sweet orange essential oil can also help ward off insects such as ticks, fleas and mosquitoes naturally!
Pawlicious Citrus-you will love this sweet citrus scent made with a blend of essential oils including bergamot essential oil! Bergamot essential oil offers calming and anxiety reducing effects for your dawgs and it also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties for their skin. This scent reminds us of that sweet sugary lemon lime soda pop we all love to drink!
Pawsome Chamomile-This amazing flower has one heck of an amazing sweet scent that many people like. Not only is it such a pleasant scent it is packed with amazing benefits for your dawg. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory benefits, can help reduce allergic reactions and it can also have a mild calming effect for your dawg. Bet you didn’t realize that little cute sweet smelling flower could do so much!
Peaceful Dawg AKA Derpy Calm Dawg-We crafted this one to help calm your dawg down by using Chamomile, Lavender and Ginger essential Oils in just the right proportions that make this smell absolutely amazing! All of these essential oils have properties to help alleviate stress and anxiety as well as promote peace and relaxation for your dawg. We know you will love this sweet dreamy scent and your dawg will too!
Rose Bud Sniffer-Stop and smell (sniff) the roses! Rose oil is one of the oldest scents around and one of the most pleasant ones at that! Your dawg could come to you smelling like a rose, without he or she frolicking in the rose bushes you tenderly love and care for. Rose oil is well known for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It also aids in keeping skin and coat healthy with anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidant properties. Rose oil also can be used to help treat minor scraps and cuts and amazingly it can also be a natural tick repellant!
Sage and Lavender Sploot!-Cannot say this is not one of our favorite scents!! This smells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! While we already know the properties of Lavender from above with our Fluffing Lavender scent, did you know that Clary Sage essential oil can also help balance your pet’s mood when they are experiencing emotional distress. It can help alleviate symptoms and feelings of stress and anxiety and have a calming effect on the central nervous system. We have doubled the effects of these two powerful beneficial essential oils by combining them into one amazing scent paired with a few other essential oils to give it a wonderful signature scent!
Shadow’s Scent-This amazing scent is named after our amazing girl Shadow whom inspired us to start rescuing dawgs several years back. She is the sweetest girl and always seemed to smell as sweet as she was. We crafted her scent using Vanilla and Almond! What better way to celebrate our most balanced and loving pack matriarch than to name one of our scents after her! This scent is PAWFECT for her! It will be pawfect for your dawg too!
Snifferific Orange & Lavender-This scent combination smells absolutely wonderful! But all scents aside, let’s acknowledge the benefits of Orange and lavender essential oils. Orange essential oil can help relax and calm your dawg, removes dead skin, deodorized odors and adds deep shine to their coat. Best of all sweet orange essential oil can also help ward off insects such as ticks, fleas and mosquitoes naturally! We already discussed Lavender essential oil above but let’s recap-It has properties that can soothe and calm your dawg as well as it has antibacterial and anti-itch agents to help with skin irritations. A great combination for a sweet refreshing yet herbal scent that also deodorizes and shines their coast, calms their mind, repels pesky insects, and helps sooth itchy skin!
Sweet Pawchouli-So who doesn’t like the patchouli scent that’s been popular for many years in various perfumes and body oils? We can now have our dawgs smelling like our favorite perfumes with this wonderful mix of Vanilla and Patchouli essential oils. How about we go into the details of the benefits of Patchouli for our dawgs. Patchouli is great for relieving itching and inflammation of the skin as well as reducing the severity of an allergic reaction. Sweet Pawchouli for the win!
*NEW* Tail Chaser-A Woodsy Scent that screams take me for a hike! Sandalwood, Frankincense, Myrrh and Juniper Berry.
*NEW* Tennessee Paw-Now this scent makes us think of east TN and the smokies-Sandalwood, Vetiver, Myrrh and Vanilla mesh together to create a sweet woodsy yet spicy scent.
Vanilla Toes Beans-Most all people love the scent of Vanilla. We decided to keep it simple and have Vanilla all on its own for you to enjoy. Vanilla essential oil has comforting and nurturing qualities for those dogs that appear to be irritable, nervous or suffer from anxiety. A wonderful scent with major benefits for your dawg.